Release Year Archive


For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of  TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release year. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.

The Next Reel • Season 11 • Series: Ann Hui • Song of the Exile (1990)
The Next Reel Film Podcast

Song of the Exile

We continue exploring the films of Hong Kong filmmaker Ann Hui with her 1990 film ‘Song of the Exile’ starring Maggie Cheung and Lu Hsiao-fen. It’s a mother/daughter story that explores family history, family secrets, and finding connections, but does it work for us? Tune in to this episode to find out!

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

The Russia House • Member Bonus

How do Michelle Pfeiffer and the late Sean Connery do in this film? Is the Le Carré spy stuff too complicated? Who do those Russian locations look so… real? Tune in to this show and get answers to these questions and more!

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Europa Europa

When Agnieszka Holland was given early pages from Solomon Perel’s unfinished memoirs about surviving the Holocaust, she was immediately taken by it. The fact that it was about a young Jewish boy who stayed alive by hiding out as one of the Hitler Youth among other things was fascinating to her, but it was his lack of embellishing and complete honesty that drew her in.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Rocky V

Sylvester Stallone returned to his beloved Rocky series in 1990, fully intending to close it out with a story as powerful as the first one. He even got John G. Avildsen back to direct it. Unfortunately, the film was a weaker film, one that didn’t find much love from critics or audiences.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Die Hard 2

Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our Die Hard series with Harlin’s 1990 film Die Hard 2. 

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Ju Dou

The eighties were a period of turmoil and transition for the Chinese film industry. Other forms of entertainment were more popular and the authorities were concerned that films that had been popular, like martial arts films, were on the out. But a group of Chinese filmmakers, collectively known loosely as the Fifth Generation – with a push from the new Ministry of Radio, Cinema and Television – were about to change all that, helping Chinese cinema break onto the world stage. And Zhang Yimou was one of the ones leading the charge. But did the Chinese government expect the types of films they would be getting? Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we dig into Chinese cinema and kick off our Zhang Yimou series with his third film, Ju Dou.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

The Godfather Part III

It was billed the most anticipated film of the decade, yet Francis Ford Coppola had spent that entire decade turning down requests to make it. It was only his failing finances that finally drove Coppola to accept the job of writing and directing The Godfather Part III, and for a lot of people, they probably wish he never bothered. But whatever issues they may have had getting it made, it was the casting of a key role with his own daughter Sofia that created ridiculous vitriol and hatred aimed for the writer/director. This element also ended up being a huge part of the reviews when the film finally came out. But did the film deserve this? Join us – Andy Nelson and Pete Wright – as we wrap up our Godfather trilogy series with Coppola’s epilogue to the Michael Corleone story, 1990’s The Godfather Part III.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast


Rob Reiner could very easily get back to making films like he did in his heyday if he made another Stephen King adaptation. Seriously, “Stand By Me” and “Misery” are two of the best King adaptations we’ve seen on the silver screen. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we discuss the penultimate film in our King series, Reiner’s 1990 film “Misery.”

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Miller’s Crossing

For their third film, the Coen brothers decided to again make something completely different from what they’ve done before. With “Miller’s Crossing,” they made a gangster picture that honors conventions of the genre while also twisting those conventions, just as they did with “Blood Simple.” And it worked for some people while not for others (and lead to a big bomb at the box office). Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — on this week’s episode of The Next Reel as we continue our Drama by the Brothers Coen series with 1990s “Miller’s Crossing.”

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The Next Reel Film Podcast


We’re starting off our Luc Besson series with a film that fascinates us, even if it sometimes devolves into a cartoonish atmosphere. This week, we chat about Besson’s 1990 film Nikita, or La Femme Nikita if you’re so inclined. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we start off this series with this Pygmalion-like tale of a young woman trained to be a government assassin.

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