We return to our ‘Spoiled. Rotten? Twist Endings’ series with a film that certainly lives up to the idea of having plenty of twists and turns. We’re talking about Wolfgang Petersen’s 1991 film Shattered.
For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release year. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.
We return to our ‘Spoiled. Rotten? Twist Endings’ series with a film that certainly lives up to the idea of having plenty of twists and turns. We’re talking about Wolfgang Petersen’s 1991 film Shattered.
We wrap up our John Heard series with a film he’s hardly in. It’s Martha Coolidge’s 1991 Depression coming of age story ‘Rambling Rose,’ which stars Laura Dern and her mother Diane Ladd! Tune in.
We love David Cronenberg, but can we fully figure out what’s happening in this film? How great is Peter Weller as the William S. Burroughs counterpart? What do we think of the fantastic effects? It’s a mindbender of a film that we’re talking about on the show as a new entry into our David Cronenberg series, but it’s for members only so make sure you sign up to get your membership so you can gain access!
Does Scott’s film work as a feminist statement or does the ending turn it anti-feminist? How great are Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis in their parts? And how did they ever get cast after Michelle Pfeiffer and Jodie Foster had originally been in the roles? This is a special member bonus episode, so make sure you’re a member of the show, then tune in and enjoy it!
Is this rightly regarded as a guilty pleasure? Should Bruce Willis be allowed to write more scripts? Is the silly comedy just too much for the general public? Tune in to this week’s show to get these answers and more!
Why did this film get relegated to a TV release? How does it compare to other Hood tales? And why do Hood scholars love it so much? Tune in to this week’s show to get these answers and more.
Does Kevin Costner kill it in the movie or does he just kill the movie? Can we get more Alan Rickman? And what’s up with all the witchcraft? Tune in to this week’s show to get these answers and more.
Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our Kathryn Bigelow series with her 1991 film Point Break.
Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our Star Trek series with Meyer’s 1991 film Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
Despite the bans on some of his earlier films like Ju Dou and Raise the Red Lantern in his home country of China, Zhang Yimou had exploded onto the world stage with these visually sumptuous films and had become a filmmaker worth talking about. Perhaps it was exactly this international presence that kept the Chinese government from suppressing his storytelling further – it gave him the popularity Zhang needed to keep making films. Whether that’s true or not, these early films of his certainly do feel like he has a few things to say about modern China, and it’s perhaps understandable that they’d take offense. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our Zhang Yimou series with his fourth film, 1991’s Raise the Red Lantern.