The Mandys are Up Scream Without a Paddle
The Mandys meet Ghostface and wind their way through the meta narrative as they review Scream (the 2022 one).
For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release year. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.
The Mandys meet Ghostface and wind their way through the meta narrative as they review Scream (the 2022 one).
Your Film Board host Ocean Murff is joined by Tommy Metz III to discuss the latest in the ‘Scream’ francise – and most oddly named of the whole bunch – ‘Scream,’ which is really ‘Scream 5.’ But in a franchise that’s full of meta conversations about the nature of the genre, including naming conventions, is that just all a part of the joke? Tune in to get Ocean’s and Tommy’s thoughts on the movie and how it fits into the franchise!