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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Ready for an Easter Egg hunt? Yes, it’s actually Memorial Day but Solo hit theaters this weekend and it’s spelunking George Lucas’s treasures in the attic so The Film Board will spoil it all for you! This new Star Wars anthology film kicks off the Summer season and we’re chiming in to separate the Fan Boys from the Fun Dip.

Critics are wary of franchise fatigue, while the devoted are jumping at the chance to dive deeper into some cherished character backstory and motivation. It seems like some of the reasons to make these movies may be to close the loop on a number of canonical questions, but the speculation has already begun regarding potential dramatic connections between this and the primary Skywalker saga. Join us on this episode of the Film Board as we ride the Kessel Run with Pete, Steve, Andy and JJ.

Film Sundries

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The Film Board gathers for an in-depth panel discussion on a film just released in theaters and spoil it rotten.
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