We’re headed back to Asgard this week as we gather the Film Board to take on “Thor: The Dark World”! Join Andy Nelson, Pete Wright, Steve Sarmento, and Tom Metz as we meticulously dissect the strange attraction we have for a hero with no flaws, and is also a god. We talk about Natalie Portman’s riveting portrayal of a woman deeply in love with science. We talk about Kat Dennings and how much funnier it would have been if Michael Cera had played “Intern.” And most importantly, we lavish great fondness all over and around and through Tom Hiddleston for his portrayal of Loki, a chalice of regret from which we sip that he was so under-used in this film. Did Alan Taylor bring his Game of Thrones grit to Thor and leave us quivering in anticipation for more Marvel goodness? Listen in and find out!