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Sympathy for the Devil • Gank That Drank: A Supernatural Drinking Game Podcast • Episode 509

Sympathy for the Devil

Dive into the apocalyptic premiere of Supernatural Season 5 with Gank That Drink hosts Krissy Lenz and Nate McWhortor as they break down “Sympathy for the Devil,” an episode packed with game-changing revelations, angelic interventions, and demonic double-crosses.

The episode picks up right where Season 4 left off, with Sam and Dean mysteriously transported to an airplane just as Lucifer is released. As the world descends into chaos, we’re introduced to Mark Pellegrino’s Nick – Lucifer’s temporary vessel – through a series of haunting visions. Meanwhile, fan-favorite character Becky makes her debut as Chuck’s messenger, leading the Winchester brothers on a crucial quest for the Michael Sword.

The hosts dissect the complex relationship between Sam and Dean, particularly examining Dean’s struggle to trust his brother after the events that triggered the apocalypse. They also explore the fascinating dynamic between Zachariah (Kurt Fuller) and Castiel, whose dramatic return suggests divine intervention – potentially from God himself.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Introduction of Lucifer’s vessel Nick and his tragic backstory
  • First appearance of super-fan Becky Rosen
  • Castiel’s mysterious resurrection and new powers
  • Bobby’s possession and near-fatal encounter with demons
  • The return of Meg, now played by Rachel Minor
  • Zachariah’s revelation about Dean being Michael’s true vessel
  • The deteriorating trust between the Winchester brothers

The episode’s drinking game featured rules including “ouchy noises,” pop culture references, Castiel mentions, Dean’s outbursts, world reports, Becky’s swooning, and creepy devil visions – making for an entertaining accompaniment to this pivotal episode.

Join Krissy and Nate next time as they tackle Season 9, Episode 13, “The Purge,” featuring the first appearance of fan-favorite character Donna and promises plenty of drinking opportunities with rules centered around family mentions, fat-sucking, and Donna-isms.

Remember to catch their live performances at the Neighborhood Comedy Theater in downtown Mesa, Arizona, and support the podcast through their membership program for early, ad-free episodes and exclusive content.

Welcome to Gank That Drank: A Supernatural Drinking Game Podcast! It’s the podcast where two comedians create drinking game rules for some of our favorite episodes of our favorite show: Supernatural. In each episode, we make up drinking game rules and then recap the episode to see how the rules played out. At the end, we make up new rules for the next episode! Join us for laughs, ganks, dranks, and more!
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