Sometimes we use words. Often, they’re made up. When we do make them up, you’ll find their definitions on this page.

The Double Whammy

When you watch a movie you’ve cherished since childhood but haven’t seen since then only to find that not only is it not as good

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The Prometheus Effect

When the pre-excitement of a film is about to torpedo the experience of the film itself. Origin: We were so excited for Prometheus, it was

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The Dredd Effect

When the lack of excitement for a film is reversed by the surprisingly good experience the film turns out to be. The opposite of the

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When an actor’s performance in the trailer doesn’t sell their performance but upon seeing the film, it’s clear that it is actually a genius performance.

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Dehors de la Scène

The spiritual opposite of the term of art, mise en scéne, this term goes to describe the action implied though not explicitly depicted in the

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Benigni Night

An Oscar night when everyone seems to have dismissed what really should be winning awards and are instead piling Oscars on the foreign favorite. It

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The Spielberg Spank

Using a nonsensical plot device to get rid of any antagonistic character, generally when in heavy pursuit of the protagonist and or others on the

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The Steve Jobs Effect

When a visionary joins forces with a film company and ends up having an affect on the company’s film quality. Origins: By partnering with Pixar,

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Diablo Cody-itis

An affliction when everyone is seemingly drawn to Diablo Cody and you don’t feel that she has the talent everyone else finds in her output.

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Pull a Lucas

When one feels the incessant need to go back and tinker with anything finished long ago to modernize it or make it fit better with one’s own modern sensibilities, even if those sensibilities now fall outside of the original intent of what one set out to do in the first place.

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