
Meet Your Host

Megan Hunter

Megan Hunter, MBA, is the co-founder and CEO of the High Conflict Institute. She developed the concept of the Institute after 13 years in policy, legislation, and judicial training with the Arizona Supreme Court and five years with the Dawes County Attorney’s Office in Nebraska. She is founder and publisher of Unhooked Books, a U.S.-based media company. She has served as President of the Arizona Chapter of the Association of Family & Conciliation Courts, the Arizona Family Support Council and Nebraska Child Support Enforcement Association. She served five years on the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiner, and currently serves on the board of Stepfamily Magazine.

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It's All Your Fault season 1, episode 26 • Will Smith: High Conflict or Just Upset?
It's All Your Fault!

Will Smith: High Conflict or Just Upset?

The slap heard around the world. Obviously this was a high conflict situation, but was it a one-off incident resulting from a highly stressed person, aka Will Smith? Or two highly stressed people, Smith and comedian Chris Rock? Or did either of them show

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High Conflict Certification for the Workplace
It's All Your Fault!

High Conflict Certification for the Workplace

Megan and Bill introduce a new initiative undertaken by the High Conflict Institute to help organizations and companies deal with high conflict situations and high conflict employees: the Conflict Influencer™ Certification program.

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It's all Your Fault episode 119
It's All Your Fault!

Q & A Lab: Dating Edition

As a conclusion to our recent focus on Dating Radar, Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter provide answers to listeners’ questions, covering everything from extreme jealousy to lack of empathy, from warning signs to partners who fluctuate from loving to making life a living hell. Tune in!

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