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Meet Judge Bruce R. Cohen (ret.): Family Court Success from Both Sides of the Bench • It’s All Your Fault • Episode 601

Meet Judge Bruce R. Cohen (ret.): Family Court Success from Both Sides of the Bench

Welcome Judge Cohen: A Fresh Perspective on Family Court

Join Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter as they welcome retired Judge Bruce R. Cohen to the High Conflict Institute team. This episode explores the human side of family court proceedings through Judge Cohen’s unique lens, developed over 24 years as a family law attorney and nearly 20 years on the bench in Arizona’s Superior Court.

Understanding Best Interests and Judicial Perspective

Judge Cohen shares invaluable insights about the concept of “best interests of the child” and how it’s applied in family court. He explains how the legal framework has evolved beyond gender preferences to focus on meeting children’s specific needs. Through personal anecdotes, including the transformative “Bonnie story,” Judge Cohen illustrates how maintaining presence and recognizing humanity in each case leads to better outcomes.

Breaking Down Family Court Success

The discussion delves into practical advice for presenting cases effectively in family court. Rather than chronological presentations or attempts to prove who’s “right,” success comes from focusing on children’s needs and each parent’s ability to meet them. Bill and Megan explore with Judge Cohen how understanding jurisdictional factors and avoiding assumptions about bias can strengthen case presentations.

Questions we answer in this episode:

  • How do judges determine what’s truly in a child’s best interests?
  • What factors should parents focus on when presenting their case?
  • How has gender bias evolved in family court?
  • What makes a case “high conflict”?
  • How can parents shift focus from being right to getting it right?

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on children’s needs and your ability to meet them rather than chronological events
  • Present yourself authentically rather than assuming judicial bias
  • Understand your jurisdiction’s specific factors for determining best interests
  • Recognize that credibility increases when acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses
  • Success comes from focusing on future solutions rather than past grievances

This episode offers unique insights from both sides of the bench, providing valuable perspective for anyone navigating family court. Judge Cohen’s practical wisdom, combined with Bill and Megan’s expertise, creates an essential resource for understanding how to approach family court proceedings effectively.

Links & Other Notes

Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing general patterns of behavior. Nor are we providing legal of therapeutic advice. Please seek the assistance of your local professionals to seek help.

Hosted by Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. and Megan Hunter, MBA, It’s All Your Fault! High Conflict People explores the five types of people who can ruin your life—people with high conflict personalities and how they weave themselves into our lives in romance, at work, next door, at school, places of worship, and just about everywhere, causing chaos, exhaustion, and dread for everyone else.

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