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Navigating Concerns of Factitious Disorder • It's All Your Fault episode 405

Navigating Concerns of Factitious Disorder

Navigating Factitious Disorder and Child Custody Disputes
In this informative episode, Bill and Megan explore the complicated intersection of factitious disorder, child custody disputes, and high conflict personalities.

Bill and Megan start by explaining what factitious disorder is, how it manifests, and its implications in child custody cases. They share insights from their experience in family law and high conflict disputes.

Key topics covered include:

  • The shift in terminology from Munchausen syndrome to factitious disorder and what this change signifies
  • Prevalence data showing these disorders are rare but have severe impacts when present
  • How factitious disorders often involve misperceptions and disagreements about a child’s health/medical needs
  • The role of personality disorders and their distorted perceptions in driving conflict
  • Strategies for navigating these disputes like seeking multiple professional opinions and getting courts involve
  • How to appropriately communicate concerns to healthcare providers without biasing their perspective
  • The risks of improperly questioning or influencing children directly

Questions we answer in this episode:

  • What is factitious disorder and how is it relevant in child custody cases?
  • What tips can help address concerns about a child’s health in a constructive manner?
  • How do personality disorders relate to conflict around children’s health?
  • When is it appropriate to involve the legal system in disputes about a child’s care?
  • What are the risks of discussing health concerns directly with your child?

Key Takeaways:

  • Factitious disorders are rare but can severely impact child custody cases when present
  • Seeking multiple professional opinions can help determine if concerns are valid
  • Personality disorders often involve distorted perceptions driving conflict
  • Legal interventions may be needed to protect children from excessive medical testing
  • Never interrogate or influence children directly about suspected disorders

This practical episode offers guidance for any parents or family members concerned about potential factitious disorders and child health conflicts. Bill and Megan share their expertise to help listeners thoughtfully and safely address these challenging situations.

Links & Other Notes

Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

Hosted by Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. and Megan Hunter, MBA, It’s All Your Fault! High Conflict People explores the five types of people who can ruin your life—people with high conflict personalities and how they weave themselves into our lives in romance, at work, next door, at school, places of worship, and just about everywhere, causing chaos, exhaustion, and dread for everyone else.

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