Mandy Kaplan embarks on a cosmic quest to decode the enigmatic realms of sci-fi aboard the USS Orville, captained by the comedic stylings of Seth MacFarlane, with Matthew Fox, host of Star Wars Generations and Superhero Ethics.
This isn’t a show that’s obsessed with warp speeds or phaser frequencies. Instead, Matthew sees science fiction as a mirror reflecting the complexities of our own world, a lens through which to examine ethics, humanity, and the very fabric of consciousness.
Mandy sets off with The Orville, a show she initially dismissed as “frat-boy humor,” and discovers the surprising depth beneath the surface. Together, they explore pivotal episodes: “About a Girl,” a poignant exploration of gender identity and cultural relativism, and “Mad Idolatry,” a sharp critique of religious fervor and its potential for manipulation. The Orville is a space adventure and a philosophical thought experiment wrapped in witty banter and surprising emotional resonance.
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