Everything Everywhere All at Once. It’s the film that took home a million Oscars, melted a billion brains, and somehow made hot dog fingers emotionally resonant. This week, Mandy sits down with Exorcist Minute co-hosts Lester Ryan Clark and Kynan Dias, two men who decided that watching Everything Everywhere like normal people just wasn’t enough, so they’ve chosen to break it down minute-by-minute, which is either a brilliant act of cinematic devotion or a slow descent into madness. Probably both.
Together, they wade through the absurdity, the heartbreak, the nihilism, and yes, the butt plug fight scene. Along the way, they discuss the film’s mind-bending multiversal logic, the Daniels’ love of absurdism, Jamie Lee Curtis’s transformation into the IRS agent of your nightmares, and why Michelle Yeoh is basically the multiversal queen of everything.
Also on the docket:
- The history of butt plugs (yes, really).
- The actual existence of a 2017 Everything Everywhere script written for Jackie Chan.
- The moment Mandy considered abandoning the movie entirely—only to be emotionally wrecked by the final act.
- And, most importantly, what the hell is up with those raccoons?
So strap in, grab your fanny pack, and prepare for a cinematic discussion that will leave you questioning existence itself—while also wondering why you suddenly desperately need a bagel. And if you’re listening on Apple, leave a five-star review, or Mandy will personally send Jamie Lee Curtis to audit your taxes.
Links & Notes
- Become a Make Me A Nerd member for ad-free episodes & bonus content: makemeanerd.com/join
- Follow Mandy on Instagram: @mandy_kaplan_klavens
- Listen to Lester & Kynan’s Every Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once podcast
- Check out The Exorcist Minute
- Kynan’s horror podcast Sitting in the Dark