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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 81

CATFA 081: His True North

Minute Eighty-One: From Explosions to Latch Breakage

Joining us today, we have Will Freeland from the Hype Is My Superpower podcast.

In the eighty-first minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger

There’s plenty of debate about how exactly Steve puts his shield on his arm. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. But that leads us into a conversation about montages and the Howling Commandos. Dum Dum’s shoulders are so high, and Gabe Jones is so fast! Steve’s using a gun which feels real for the time, and ties into Brubaker’s run in the comics. We also touch on the Invaders.

The montage shifts to a scene with Dernier planting a bomb on the underside of a mini tank. So each of them are getting their moments we figure, and it’s fine. But then again, they don’t all get their moment? It’s odd.

We also talk about the random news footage Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter are watching. What’s the context? Is this just for the military? News reel footage? Is this specifically something Senator Brandt’s commissioned to film to show the American public more of Captain America? It’s… odd. Not to mention that shot of the compass… And that leads us to chat a bit about the fatherly way Colonel Phillips seems to be treating Peggy here.

Plus, there’s sniper montage bits and some moments purely designed for 3D. Plus, Cap shows he knows how to use that shield ridiculously well. Tune in!

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Film Sundries

We could do this all week.

Andy Nelson and Pete Wright pick up the Infinity Saga Phase I mantle with Captain America: The First Avenger one patriotic minute at a time.

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