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Be Mindful of Power with C.Marie Taylor

When we started this season, we told you we would be talking to a mix of our favorite leaders in our field who are facing our challenges and barriers to moving their missions forward. This week on the show, we’re talking to someone we can only rightly characterize as a leader of leaders

C.Marie Taylor is a role model and mentor to us, a leader herself with a distinguished CV as executive director of respected non-profits. In 2018, she started her own consulting practice, Equity Through Action, leveraging her skills as a leader and communicator to build her own team dedicated to helping clients transform their environments into safe, inclusive, and people-focused spaces.

Anyone in agency space will know: accomplishing anything near that sort of goal requires a leader unafraid to speak truth — sometimes uncomfortable truth — to entrenched power. And that is not just C.Marie’s great gift, it is her passion.

This week, we’ll be specifically tackling the challenges of entrenched power in non-profit boards and offer solutions toward resolving conflict, overcoming obstacles, and generating action. We’re thrilled that C.Marie has so generously given of her time and expertise to join us for this conversation. 

  • (00:00) – Welcome to Mission Forward
  • (01:21) – Introducing C.Marie Taylor
  • (03:44) – Power in the Workplace
  • (07:12) – A Board Value Proposition for Black Women
  • (11:15) – See it, Say it, and C.Marie’s Acronyms
  • (13:21) – Sharing and Distributing Power
  • (14:35) – Board Blocks and Self-Work
  • (18:05) – Cultivating a Diverse Board
  • (19:26) – Resources for Board Members to Better their Performance
  • (22:18) – The Transformation on the Other Side
  • (26:22) – Finding The Words: What would it hurt to ask?
This season, we are taking you on a journey to meet ten people influencing and shaping how we communicate at scale for social change. From advertising executives to coalition directors, news editors, campaign managers, and authors, they’re all people who are shaping and challenging the deep power of communication. If you’re working to become a more inclusive and thoughtful communicator, there’s nothing holding you back—except you.
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