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Finding Inspiration on the Outside — Bringing Innovation to Higher Ed

You never know where good ideas are going to come from. We take it as axiomatic that inspiration comes from synchronicity, and too often we leave it at that, relegating the best ideas to the whimsy of luck. 

This week on the show we’re challenging this commonly held wisdom thanks to our work with key partner, University of Colorado, in developing a process to cultivate synchronicity, to bring the right people together, and drive a change in culture that celebrates the incubation of great ideas. 

The story doesn’t end on this week’s show. Howard’s latest piece for NACUBO’s HR Horizons electronic newsletter, “Loosen the Grip on Silo Thinking,” provides deeper background on the CU story and resources you can use right now to change the way you think about how you craft your best ideas.

Links & Notes

Exploring the complex waters of Higher Education.

Join Howard Teibel and guests as they dissect issues facing institutions and teams in transition and offer solutions for the most troubling process challenges.

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