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Challenging our Blindspots — Moods, Assessments, and Assertions with Author Gloria Flores

This week, we welcome Gloria Flores to the show, co-founder and President of Pluralistic Networks. In her work, Gloria is committed to developing innovative ways for people to learn to collaborate, to listen, to build trust, and to build value for each other. Gloria has collaborated with Dr. Fernando Flores for many years, and her work is inspired by their many collaborations. Of particular interest to her is the creation of learning environments that will enable people to develop what many describe as “soft skills,” but that really should be referred as “crucial skills” for today’s world. She has designed and led many courses, including a four-month virtual, but fully immersive program – Working Effectively in Small Teams (WEST) – designed to support people as they develop skills and sensibilities that will enable them to work more effectively with other people.  

Her book, Learning to Learn and the Navigation of Moods: The Meta-Skill for the Acquisition of Skills, helps readers to become more aware of the emotional aspect of learning new skills, and provides a framework that empowers people to take the actions that they need to take to continue learning, and not give up along the way.

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