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Strategic Leadership at EACUBO 2014 with Marta Perez Drake and Lynne Schaefer

This week on Navigating Change we’re coming to you from the EACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Speakers at the conference have been taking on some of the most challenging issues facing chief business officers in higher education. We’re kicking off our EACUBO series with two people who serve as leaders in the effort to prepare CBOs for the demands of tomorrow’s institutions. 

Lynne Schaefer is vice president for finance and administration at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and currently serves as EACUBO vice chair. Marta Perez Drake serves as vice president for professional development for NACUBO. This week on the show, Lynne and Marta join Howard Teibel and Pete Wright to share their work in developing CBOs as strategic leaders prepared for broader challenges beyond the typical expectations of the office.

Our special thanks to all who turned out to join us at this special live event in Orlando, and to the EACUBO team that helped to make this happen!

About Lynne C. Schaefer

Lynn Schaefer has served as Vice President for Finance and Administration at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) since 2005. In her role as chief business officer at UMBC, she is responsible for financial management, budget, reporting and control for annual operations exceeding $390 million. She also provides leadership for facilities planning, construction and operations, human resources, environmental safety and health, dining services, the bookstore, campus police, and general business services. Ms. Schaefer previously served as Vice President for Finance and Administration at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and as Budget Director and Vice President for Administrative Services at Wayne State University in Detroit. Ms. Schaefer began her career in state government in Michigan, and worked in the Governor’s Office, Departments of Management and Budget and Treasury, and as President of the Michigan Education Trust. She holds an M.B.A. in Finance from Wayne State University, and a B.A. from Michigan State University.

Marta Perez Drake, NACUBO

Marta Perez Drake has served as vice president for professional development of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) since 2010. Prior to assuming this position, Perez Drake served NACUBO for six years as Director of Constituent Programs. Before joining NACUBO, Perez Drake worked at Duke University, Georgetown University and three higher education associations: the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), the American Council on Education (ACE), and the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE). Perez Drake has served on several boards in the higher education, K–12, and non-profit sectors. She received her bachelor’s degree from Duke University and master’s degree from the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. 

Exploring the complex waters of Higher Education.

Join Howard Teibel and guests as they dissect issues facing institutions and teams in transition and offer solutions for the most troubling process challenges.

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