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Cass Fredrickson

Marvel Movie Minute season 4 episode 25 • Thor 025: Does Thor realize just how much damage his lightning will cause?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 025: Does Thor Realize Just How Much Damage His Lightning Will Cause?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Volstagg tells everybody to run while Thor hits Jotun after Jotun. He finally uses Mjølnir to bring lightning down, blasting everyone. Unfortunately, it also causes a massive collapse of Jotunheim’s crust and everyone tries to run so as to not fall into the bowels of the planet. Cass Fredrickson from Lord of the Rings Minute joins us this week!

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Marvel Movie Minute season 4 episode 24 • Thor 024: Is the Jotun Beast Laufey's Pet?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 024: Is the Jotun Beast Laufey’s Pet?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ the Frost Giant and Loki share a look about the blue skinned revelation when he grabs Loki’s arm. Fandral takes an ice stalgmite to the chest and everyone tries to convice Thor to leave. Laufey, meanwhile releases a Jotun Beast. Cass Fredrickson from Lord of the Rings Minute joins us this week!

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Marvel Movie Minute season 4 episode 23 • Thor 023: Is Loki's Magic Also Just Advanced Science?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 023: Is Loki’s Magic Also Just Advanced Science?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Thor nearly finds his match in Hailstrum until he takes his head off with Mjølnir. Volstagg learns the hard way that a Frost Giant’s touch freezes the skin. Loki, though, doesn’t experience the same reaction. Cass Fredrickson from Lord of the Rings Minute joins us this week!

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Marvel Movie Minute season 4 episode 22 • Thor 022: What Is Written on Mjølnir?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 022: What Is Written on Mjølnir?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Thor begrudgingly agrees to leave with Loki until the Frost Giant Sentry decides to say something snarky, which turns Thor on to ‘FIGHT MODE.’ Everyone jumps into the fray. Laufey sends more troops in, including Hailstrum. Cass Fredrickson from Lord of the Rings Minute joins us this week!

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Marvel Movie Minute season 4 episode 21 • Thor 021: Will Thor Stand Down?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 021: Will Thor Stand Down?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Laufey confronts Thor with his thoughts on Odin and challenges Thor’s reasons for being here. Loki tries to calm the situation but Thor dismisses him. Laufey finally prevails when he sends his sentry. Loki accepts Laufey’s offer and Thor gives him a look. Cass Fredrickson from Lord of the Rings Minute joins us this week!

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