Meet The Guests

Chris Krueger

The Scalpel of Truth

Exit Stage Left: Losing Staff with Chris Krueger

This week on the show, Leisa tackles the delicate subject of employee turnover in medical spas. And, as a VERY special occasion, she’s joined by guest, voice of this show, and host of the fake alternate universe podcast, “The Spatula of Honesty,” her partner Chris Krueger. Chris brings extensive experience as a manager and director, working to develop high-performing staffs—which sometimes means letting people go.

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The Naked Marketers

Appropriate Dogs for Evil-Doers — Guest Chris Krueger

Our guest on the show this week is Chris Krueger. Chris is an experiential marketing pro specializing in large-scale events for big brands. From Gatorade to NASCAR, Krueger shares his experience and impressions on social branding, metrics, and just how in-touch the big brands really are with emerging trends.

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