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James Ochoa

Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Learning to Love Your ADHD Story with James Ochoa

Our friend James Ochoa is back! This week we’re talking about the lessons you can learn from inflection points in your ADHD journey. What did you learn? What did you gain? What can come from it? Listen in as James helps Pete practice on one of his ancient ADHD stories!

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

The ADHD Storm of the Century with James Ochoa

We’re living through a time of crisis. The pandemic is of course the global medical crisis. But inside each of us, we’re living through our own, individual crises. If you’re living with ADHD, you’re likely keeping an eye on the horizion … the ADHD Storm

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Accepting Your ADHD Diagnosis with James Ochoa

That first rush of relief that you feel when you’re handed the diagnoses of ADHD is exhilarating. You finally have words to describe what you’ve been feeling and experiencing, and a brand new way to relate to the world around you! And that feeling lasts f

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Following up on “The Complex” with James and Jules Ochoa

James and Jules Ochoa have just wrapped their first season of ‘The Complex’, a podcast that approaches ADHD through the lens of a fictional apartment complex and its many ADHDer residents. They’re here today to share a bit about their experience and lessons learned in approaching the ADHD community through a podcast platform.

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Introducing The Complex with James and Jules Ochoa

James and Jules Ochoa join us today to celebrate the upcoming launch of their new podcast, “The Complex.” In it, they tell the story of a fictional apartment building and the manager trying to manage the eclectic personalities of it’s tenants. Episode one is included at the end of this show in its entirety.

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