Meet The Guests

Jessica Plummer

Birds of Prey with Jess Plummer

Jessica Plummer is back to talk Birds of Prey! What happens when Margot Robbie gets to make a Harley movie HER way? Can you be a villain who only punches up? And is this the cinematic equivalent of a compliment in the bathroom from a drunk girl?

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Harley, Harley, Harley

Harley Quinn has rapidly become one of the most popular and most controversial characters in comic book media. Returning guest and comic book nerd and critic extraordinaire joins us for an in-depth look at this fascinating character

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Punisher • S2

In Season 1, Punisher raised hard questions about vengeance, justice, and why audiences enjoy revenge fantasies. How did Season 2 measure up? Does Frank have any accountability for the people he puts in danger? And did the world need another plot akin to Harley Quinn, where a therapist becomes romantically involved with her dangerous patient, and the writers attempt to make it seem appealing?

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The Punisher

What makes Netflix’s The Punisher so compelling, and so troubling, at the same time? Can you tell a story about the evils of guns and violence, while simultaneously glorifying gun violence? And can anyone explain the concept of collateral damage to Karen?

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