Meet The Guests

Mandy Fabian

Hollywood Labor and Ethical Fandom

In the midst of a potential Hollywood strike and high-profile disputes like ScarJo vs. Disney, fans are left wondering how to navigate the current landscape. I’m joined by three industry professionals from the TruStory FM entertainment podcast network to discuss the impact of these events and how they influence our viewing choices.

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The Saturday Matinée

2021-10-02 • Saturday Matinée

Rob Kubasko leads a horror cavalcade kicking off October with Mandy Fabian and Kyle Olson as they take on classic monsters and bring a list of movies with the most annoying children!

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The Saturday Matinée

2021-09-04 • Saturday Matinée

Mandy Kaplan leads Mandy Fabian and Pete Wright on a matinée journey this morning as we talk news, trailers, games, and a list of terrific movies celebrating our older performers.

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The Saturday Matinée

2021-03-20 • Saturday Matinée

The Mandy’s take on the Kyle! The staple Mandy Kaplan is joined by her best friend and sparring partner Mandy Fabian to talk movies, play games and make a great list of stock market movies you can binge this weekend!
Hear the Mandy’s on their show, Mandem

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