Special Episode • Business Officers Share Their Thoughts on Analytics
Let’s hear from our CBOs on how they’re using analytics on campus to best prepare their institutions for the future.
Let’s hear from our CBOs on how they’re using analytics on campus to best prepare their institutions for the future.
Our CBOs shared some ways they’ve been grappling with the complex topic of the economic model on their campuses.
Our CBOs are experts on how a collaborative approach is key to achieving their institution’s mission and supporting the mission of higher education in general.
Whether it’s regarding legislative or agency activity, public perception of higher education, or other timely issues, NACUBO is your constant advocate in action.
Although higher education institutions have always had to be creative, flexible, and innovative to achieve their strategic goals, they’ve had to be especially nimble this year.
Change management is often cited as one of the most challenging aspects of leadership. It involves not only getting everyone on board with change, but also keeping them informed and engaged along the way.
Hearing and valuing input from people with all types of experiences, perspectives, skills, interests, and backgrounds can lead to an environment rich with innovation and creativity, which, as we’ll hear from our CBOs, is especially impactful to the mission of higher education.
University of New Mexico CBO Teresa Constantinidis discusses her efforts to navigate current events for her institution and how her development of higher ed leaders is evolving.
This week we have the second of our live podcasts coming to you from the Western Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Conference in San Francisco. Howard Teibel is joined by the incoming WACUBO presidents in which they share thei