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Unraveling Cloud Hybrid Gotchas with BA Insight Director of Product Development Tony Malandain

BA Insight co-founder and director of product development Tony Malandain joins us today to share the product development perspective on Microsoft’s innovations in Cloud Hybrid Search. Any migration brings complexity, but a move from on-premises to the cloud brings with it whole classes of “gotchas” in security, extensibility, and even once-familiar administration. From the perspective of our listeners struggling around any sort of migration and the complexity that comes with it, Tony will share his perspective on why Cloud Hybrid Search matters to us today, and give you a roadmap to some of the obstacles that can trip you up in the process.

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Shared Insights is a podcast about modernizing enterprise search and intranets to improve employee collaboration and productivity. From customer stories to behind-the-scenes tales from our own developers, we aim to share what makes our approach to finding and accessing content across the enterprise a transformative force.
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