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Introducing The Paper Solution

Paper. If just reading that word causes you to pause, shudder, maybe get a little squeamish, you should read on. 

Today, we’re talking about paper clutter. For you, it may manifest in small piles of mail stacked on a few too many tables. It’s not so bad, you tell yourself, and you could surely catch up in no time. But if you’re living with ADHD, those few piles may never be touched again. Mail, magazines, bills, notices, they grow with inattention and the physical clutter they create leads to mental clutter, stress, and anxiety. 

Not only are we talking about the issues that come with paper clutter today, we’re providing a plan and it comes in the form of a new online course: The Paper Solution. It’s an ADHD-friendly organizing system and an approach to paper designed to help you clear both the physical and mental clutter that comes from out of control paper in your life. 

Thanks for joining us today. Click through to learn more about The Paper Solution below. If you have a paper problem, we just might have a… well, you get it…

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Through Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright strive to help listeners with support, life management strategies, and time and technology tips, dedicated to anyone looking to take control of their lives in the face ADHD.
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