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The Accidental Q&A Episode

 Today was supposed to be a Digital episode full of a discussion on the whims of our individual value systems around our processes. It was going to be great, trust us. But then we got all this great feedback from listeners and it all sort of stacked up on us. Before we knew it we were talking about a doctoral thesis in the UK, helping a partner better understand ADHD, the perils of working with the school system on a child’s diagnosis, learning to say “I don’t know,” and overcoming limiting beliefs that lead to more road trips and conquering bridge driving! These are great questions so we ended up devoting our entire conversation to it! Thanks to everyone for writing in, and look for that epic value episode coming soon! 

Through Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright strive to help listeners with support, life management strategies, and time and technology tips, dedicated to anyone looking to take control of their lives in the face ADHD.
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