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Placeholder 01: Jurassic Park and the Vampire Project

Here we are. Episode one of our new podcast. This week, we’re talking about how we capture ideas, how we make room for new things in our lives, and how we make sure the things we really want to do have air to grow and flourish, while the things we don’t are allowed to evaporate.

Along the way we talk to two of my favorite brains, Doc Anderson and Brett Terpstra.

We talked to Doc some months back on The ADHD Podcast about The Hero Engine. Since then, he and I realized we have a lot of nerd stuff in common and it is in fact Doc whom I credit for the term “Vampire Projects” in this show.

Brett is working on a few projects in addition to his newish gig at Oracle. Bunch is his text file automation app, and Doing is his command line activity log. We’ll talk about both this week.

Listener Susan wrote in with a question about creating fillable PDF forms. I go into more detail in the show this week but here are direct links to what I recommend: Adobe Creative Cloud, PDF Pen Pro from Nitro.

Finally, if you’re listening to this show on the website, thank you. But if you want to get it wherever you listen to your podcasts, I recorded a video to help you out.

Update: We’ve got the transcript of the show up now. Sorry for the delay. Click here to check it out

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Through Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright strive to help listeners with support, life management strategies, and time and technology tips, dedicated to anyone looking to take control of their lives in the face ADHD.
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