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Lance Bennett and Climate, Division, and the Political Science of Change

Hey everybody… it’s Pete…

Welcome to Season 2. We’re still here, me and Dodge, talking about change and the paradox therein. We learned a lot last season and in spite of coming face to face with our own in adequacies as we work to impact change in our lives — I’ll go ahead and speak for myself there — we’re pretty darned tickled to be back with another slate of guests to keep us pushing forward and learning this season.

We start with Lance Bennett. Lance is Professor Emeritus and the founding director for the Center for Communication and Civic Engagement at University of Washington. His speciality, political science and civic engagement, which I hope you could guess, and he’s been a valiant contributor to the body of knowledge in the field for decades.

He’s with us this week to talk about change as it manifests in our current political and media landscapes and along the way, we do our best to unravel some of the things we’ve done to ourselves as human organisms that get in the way of the change we’d like to see in the world. At least… the change some of us would like to see in the world. It’s hard to see an all of us these days, isn’t it?

Lance’s latest book hit the shelves just a few months ago and it’s a primer for those of us concerned with the state of our environment and our apparent inability to act aggressively in response. His thesis: “How can we communicate and act more effectively to make the political and economic changes required to survive and even thrive within the life-support capacities of our planet?”

The book is called Communicating the Future: Solutions for Environment, Economy and Democracy and it’s available now.

Thanks for sticking with us. This show is an incredible joy to produce and we’re honored to have you. We hope you enjoy this conversation with W. Lance Bennett and Dodge Rea.

Links & Notes

Change is a given of life, perhaps even the point of it. And now more than ever, it’s everywhere we look. But how well do we understand it? Psychologist Dr. Dodge Rea and guests explore the mysterious, paradoxical nature of successful change.
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