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We’re a Venti

Women and fast food make men impatient. Shocker. Media companies go bloggy with Tumblr. Apple pulls the competitive mud-slinging vids. Kenny Powers pimps K-Swiss. Yes, they’re still around. But Google says bye-bye to Wave. And Unilever drops the GPS stalker vibe in Brazilian detergent. Couldn’t possibly have anything go wrong with that. Nothing at all. Props to,, Instapaper, and finally The Omni Group for the super-and-fully-awesome OmniFocus for iPad.

The Naked Marketers was a podcast dedicated to tools, technology, and creative work in the field of marketing and advertising. The show ran on the TruStory FM podcast network from 2010 to 2012 with hosts Pete Wright, Dane Christensen, and Megan Strand.
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