Navigating Business Partnership Post-Divorce with Guest A.J. Grossman
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How to Split a Toaster • Season 8 • Episode 4

Navigating Business Partnership Post-Divorce with Guest A.J. Grossman

Divorcing When Also in Business Together

Florida family law attorney A.J. Grossman joins Seth and Pete today to tackle the complexities of getting a divorce when you’re in business with your spouse. It’s complicated, but it’s doable! Sometimes, you don’t want to be in business anymore. Sometimes, you’re planning on staying on as working partners after the divorce. And is it possible you’d lose the business? So how do you do it?

They tackle many questions in this episode. What do you do if one of the partners in the marriage and business isn’t a citizen? How’s the business titled? Is the business another form of marital property? Is there personal goodwill involved? How do you resolve disputes during and after your divorce?

They also talk about the importance of learning to compartmentalize so you can treat the relationship separately from the business. Pre- and post-nuptials could have some bearing, as well as the business plan. How do you value key persons in the company? And what do you need to keep in mind when it comes to taxes?

It’s an information-filled episode that’s really going to help you out, so check it out.

Links & Notes

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
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