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Who Keeps the Dog? With Karis Nafte (Rebroadcast)

It’s safe to say we’re all dog people around Toaster HQ. They’re not big dogs. They’re small, cuddly dogs that like to sit on laps and couches and generally give us peace. Unless they see a bike. Bikes are bad news. In the eyes of the law, these adorable creatures are considered pretty simple property. Sure, they’re about as easy to split as a toaster, but the court doesn’t care. Pets become another box to check. So, what do you do? Turns out, we have somebody for that: Karis Nafte, Pet Custody Expert, and she’s here to help.

We’re still in our brief hiatus before our fourth season launches in a few weeks. This week, we take a step back to season 2 when we met Karis Nafte, pet custody expert. She’s a dog trainer and animal specialist, and also happens to be an internationally accredited family mediator who helps people figure out what Fido wants.

From writing a shared custody plan that really works to working with judges to approaching kids who might be losing their pets in the divorce, Karis has done it all for families in her career, human and fuzzy family members alike. Karis recognized the need for ‘dog centered mediation’ during divorce and now combines her wealth of experience of dogs and family pets with mediation to help her clients make the best decision for their dog’s long-term well-being. She collaborates with mediators and attorneys worldwide as well as offering regular webinars to educate divorce professionals about pets and divorce.

Learn more about Karis and her work at

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
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