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How to Split a Toaster • Season 6 • Episode 4 • Neale Godfrey

Figuring Out the Finances for You and the Kids: A Chat About Financial Empowerment with Neale Godfrey

Meet Neale Godfrey

When a relationship ends and you haven’t been the one taking care of the finances, figuring out how to move forward can be paralyzing. Luckily, it’s a learned skill and on today’s episode, Pete and Seth are joined by New York Times #1 Best-Selling author Neale Godfrey to discuss finances, kids, gray divorce and more.

It’s important to understand your own finances and to learn how to handle them moving forward. It’s also incredibly important to keep your kids in the loop so they’re aware of how finances are going to affect them. (They are very id-focused beings, particularly the younger ones, after all.)

It’s important to never confuse your net-worth with your self-worth. You’re not the money you earn, or don’t earn. Money is about choice. Live within your means. And what about having your kids work? These are lessons for you to learn and to teach your children.

We also touch on gray divorce and why the numbers are growing for couples divorcing after the age of 50.

Our conversation ranges the gamut in today’s episode, but there are lots of juicy tidbits to help you learn how to be more financially healthy after your divorce, regardless of how old you are or if you have kids when it happens.

More About Neale

Neale Godfrey is the financial voice for women and multi-generations as well as a world-renowned speaker and author, who has inspired millions through her work. She motivates, trains, educates, and frankly, entertains by delivering her core message: Empower yourself to take control of your financial life. Neale brings an important perspective on connecting the financial dots for families, which she delivers to thousands of corporate audiences and financial advisors.

As the creator for the topic of “kids and money” and trailblazer for financial literacy, Neale Godfrey has worked tirelessly over the last 35 years to connect the family around the topic of money.

Neale began her journey in 1972 as one of the first female executives at The Chase Manhattan Bank (the world’s largest bank at the time). She later went on to become President of The First Women’s Bank and founder of The First Children’s Bank in FAO Schwarz. Neale was also involved with the Institute for Youth Entrepreneurship in Harlem.

Neale is the New York Times #1 Best-Selling Author of Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Children and has authored a total of 28 books to empower kids and their parents to have a healthy relationship with money.

Neale has represented global companies as a National Spokesperson; including Microsoft, UPS, Lincoln Financial, Fidelity, AIG, Nuveen, Aetna, Coca-Cola, among others. She has also appeared as a financial expert on programs such as; The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, and The Today Show, on major news networks such as; CNN, CNBC, and FOX Business, and starred in the PBS Special, “Your Money, Your Children, Your Life.”

Neale is a popular contributor for Kiplinger, a former contributor to and Huffington Post, and a former Nationally Syndicated Columnist for the Associated Press.

Neale has served on White House and Governor’s Task Forces, as well as on the Board of Directors of UNICEF, UNWomen, Young President’s Organization — YPO (Member since 1987), The NY Board of Trade, and Morris County Chamber of Commerce.

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
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