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How to Split a Toaster episode 613

The 12 Step Divorce Recovery Approach with Karen McMahon

When you’re thinking about divorce or going through it, you can lose yourself in the negative energies swirling around you. Do you let the conflict eat away at you? Does fiction start becoming fact? Are you holding on too tightly to the things that annoy you? Karen McMahon brings her 12 Step Divorce Recovery Program to the Toaster today to talk with Seth and Pete about the challenges everyone going through a divorce faces and how you can learn to pay attention to what’s going on internally so you can let go of the things you can’t control and better handle the things you can.

There’s conversation about the differences between fact and fiction and how your monkey mind might be latching on to the fictional when you need to just focus on the factual. They discuss mindfulness and the power you’ll find when you learn to manage your internal self. Breathing. Letting go. There are a lot of tips discussed in today’s episode to help you get through your own divorce with more ease and focus.

About Karen

Karen McMahon is a Certified Relationship and Divorce Coach and Founder of Journey Beyond Divorce. She began divorce coaching in 2010 after recognizing that the pain of her divorce led her on a transformational journey into an incredible new life. Karen leads a team of divorce coaches in supporting men and women around the world to become calm, clear and confident as they navigate divorce. Karen is the host of the acclaimed Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast, co-author of Stepping out of Chaos: Turning Pain to Possibility and creator of JBD’s exclusive 12 Step Divorce Recovery Program.

Get your free rapid relief call from Karen and her team!

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
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