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Your Actions Matter • Your Divorce Case • How to Split a Toaster • Episode 1002

Your Actions Matter • Your Divorce Case

Navigating the Do’s and Don’ts of Divorce
This week on How to Split a Toaster, Seth and Pete dive into the second episode of Your Divorce Case, a season dedicated to providing listeners with practical advice for navigating the complexities of divorce. This episode tackles a critical aspect of the process: your actions. Seth and Pete emphasize the importance of taking responsibility and making conscious choices throughout the divorce journey to minimize conflict, reduce legal fees, and prioritize the well-being of everyone involved.

This episode centers around the concept of maintaining the “status quo.” Seth and Pete explain the significance of standing orders, which are court-issued guidelines that dictate behavior during divorce proceedings. They delve into various aspects of maintaining the status quo, such as managing finances, co-parenting responsibly, and communicating effectively. From handling credit card spending to navigating shared expenses and making major purchases, they offer practical advice on avoiding common pitfalls that can escalate conflict and legal costs. They also emphasize the importance of clear, respectful communication with your ex-spouse, especially when it comes to children, and caution against involving friends and family in a way that could negatively impact the case.

Questions we answer in this episode:

  • What are standing orders, and how do they impact my divorce?
  • How can I manage finances responsibly during the divorce process?
  • What are the implications of dating during a divorce?

Key Takeaways:

  • Maintain the “status quo” in all aspects of your life, particularly finances and childcare.
  • Communicate with your ex-spouse clearly, respectfully, and factually, avoiding emotional language.
  • Seek support from a therapist rather than involving friends and family, who could potentially become witnesses in your case

This episode of How to Split a Toaster is an invaluable resource for anyone going through a divorce. Seth and Pete provide practical advice and actionable steps to help listeners navigate the process with greater clarity, control, and peace of mind.

Links & Notes

Seth Nelson is a Tampa based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective — saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
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