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Take 10 on HBOMax

This is a Two-Reeler member-only episode … but it’s great! You should subscribe, support the show, and then listen to it! You can learn more about that process here!

It’s all about that sweet, sweet content. Following up on their deep dive into Disney+ a few months back, Kyle and Rob are back to dredge the depths of HBOMax.

Why ‘the Max’? When Warner announced they were dropping their upcoming 2021 slate of films on HBOMax day-and-date with theaters, that made for a drive sign up. ‘WonderWoman 1984’ hits Christmas Day! But there’s no reason to let the subscription languish waiting for the brand new AAA titles. Rob and Kyle share their favorites to help you get the most out of your HBOMax-ertainment dollar while you wait for Gal Gadot and Chris Pine to wrap you in a magic lasso.

Welcome to the Other Stuff.

The Next Reel Shorts is made up of interviews, explorations, and observations in film podcasts, many of which evolve into their own Next Reel series!
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