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2019-04-20 • Saturday Matinée

Steve and Andy catch up on each other’s watchlists. Andy learns how to completely overwhelm his own watchlist thanks to The 80s All Over podcast. We’re in Endgamepre-game mode. Star Wars celebration gets all leaky with Mandalorian stuff. Steve is patient zero for movies Andy loves. And we have a list of great roommate movies!

Let’s Do Trailers!


Roommate Movies!

Andy’s List

  1. Sunset Boulevard
  2. Rope
  3. Dumb and Dumber

Steve’s List

  1. The Lookout
  2. Shallow Grave
  3. What We Do in the Shadows
  • (00:00) – 2019-04-20 – Saturday Matinée
  • (00:21) – Steve catches his family up on a few important things
  • (02:11) – Andy catches up on Steve’s movie list
  • (05:12) – The 80s All Over Podcast
  • (09:21) – Endgame Pre-Game
  • (12:57) – Star Wars Celebration leaks Mandalorian all over the place
  • (15:08) – In the Name of the Father: Patient Zero
  • (17:07) – Let’s Do Trailers
  • (31:45) – The List: Roommate Movies
  • (51:58) – Coming Attractions

A fine Saturday Morning to you.

Looking to binge The Next Reel’s weekend commentary and list-making extravaganza? Here you go!