You've Found a Date!

April 30, 2021

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

Giant Animals Smashing Buildings

Proving that we can find an ethical discussion in any media (and that we haven’t forgotten how to talk about topics other than Falcon and the Winter Soldier), we’re diving deep into the ethical questions of the MonsterVerse. Are they monsters, Titans, or animals, and why does the terminology we use matter? What are the dangers of humans seeing themselves as the rulers of nature, and how does nature retaliate? Paul and I are joined by Stranded Panda regular Nate Muzzy to unpack these questions and more.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2035: An Exoskeleton and a Bag of Mulch

When is a car not a car? When the MMM computer says it’s so. This is Rob’s least favorite minute and we dive into why as we take on what it means to have … a human body. Ivan whips, Tony scampers, and Happy drives angry. Plus, we see what happens with the in-car Stoogeiverse collides with on-track shenanigans. Those shenanigans, by the way, lead us down an exploration of The Constrictor, who may have been present in spirit in this scene.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Dolemite Is My Name • Member Bonus

How great is Eddie Murphy in the role of Rudy Ray Moore? Where does this film land in the genre of biopics? And how much do we want to watch more of Moore’s Dolemite movies? It’s our April Member Bonus episode, so check out the movie, become a member, and tune in!

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Silver Linings


Ray and Ocean are joined by Kyle Olsen of Marvel Movie Minute to discuss the red-headed stepchild of the Fox/Marvel movie-verse: Daredevil!

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