Finding the Words • Watch For The Signs
In 2020, the video game world learned something special about Marvel’s newest Spider-Man character, Miles Morales. Turns out, the signs were there all along.
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
In 2020, the video game world learned something special about Marvel’s newest Spider-Man character, Miles Morales. Turns out, the signs were there all along.
Don’t worry, we’re sure your therapist thinks you’re funny. Just make sure you’re not unconscious during your sessions.
In this episode, Bill and Megan are joined by Cherolyn Knapp, lawyer, mediator, workplace investigator and HCI’s newest speaker/trainer.
In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Bucky works his way across the gantry, making it across before it collapses. Steve decides to jump and we’re left with a dissolve out on a fireball. Meanwhile, Colonel Phillips dictates a condolence letter about the missing Steve to Senator Brandt.
We kick off our new series looking at Gareth Evans Indonesian action saga starting with his 2011 film “The Raid”, or “The Raid: Redemption” as it was released in the States. Just another action movie or something that feels like it’s excelling and adding something to the landscape of action cinema? Tune in!