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2018-12-01 • Saturday Matinée

Trailers, plus two lists — multiple actors playing one character over different periods and looooooong screen kisses!

List 1: Multiple Actors Playing One Character Over Different Periods

Andy’s List

  1. The Lion King
  2. The Last Emperor
  3. It’s A Wonderful Life

Steve’s List

  1. 13 Going On 30
  2. The Time Traveler’s Wife
  3. Great Expectations

List 2: Long Screen Kisses

Andy’s List

  1. Titanic
  2. Notorious
  3. Big Top Pee-wee

Steve’s List

  1. Breakfast At Tiffany’s
  2. Never Been Kissed
  3. Big Top Pee-wee

A fine Saturday Morning to you.

Looking to binge The Next Reel’s weekend commentary and list-making extravaganza? Here you go!
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