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The Next Reel • Season 12 • Series: 1940 Academy Award Best Picture Nominees • Love Affair

Love Affair

“We’re heading into rough seas, Michel.”

A Love Story That Stands the Test of Time

It’s interesting that Leo McCarey’s 1939 film Love Affair largely fell into obscurity due to both slipping into the public domain and to McCarey’s own remake in 1957 as An Affair to Remember. It largely was thanks to Nora Ephron including mention of both films in her 1993 classic Sleepless in Seattle that interest in this original rose again. Now, thanks to a stunning restoration in 2020, the film looks brand new and is certainly worth discovery, or re-discovery. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our series on the 1940 Academy Awards • Best Picture nominees with a conversation about McCarey’s 1939 film Love Affair.

Here’s a hint at what we talk about.

We both were more familiar with the story from McCarey’s 1957 remake An Affair to Remember starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr, but the core of the story remains largely unchanged. That even holds true in Warren Beatty’s mess of a remake in 1994 (also called Love Affair), which says something about the strength in the story. We have a few issues with the story, however – the need to wait six months before seeing each other again to prove they’re able to survive on their own seems a bit plotted, and Terry’s desire to not tell Michel about her accident until she’s able to walk to him seems thin. But are they? There’s clearly meaning behind their motivations in both cases. Is it just that we actually want it spelled out more, which we rarely actually want? Or is it that we don’t quite feel they sell it? It’s hard to gauge, so in the end these points don’t break things for us. They just give us pause.

It’s hard to get past that ending though. It’s perfect and just rips your heart out before putting it right back. Amazing stuff. There’s a reason it’s become iconic. And how great are Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer? We discuss them a bit in relation to Grant and Kerr. Who works better for us? Leo McCarey was stepping away from his comedies. How does he do with this material? We also talk about the controversies with the script and why the production code wouldn’t pass it initially. And let’s not forget the songs!

It’s a great film and easily one to fall in love with. We have a great time talking about it, so check it out then tune in. The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!

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