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The Next Reel • Season 14 • Series: Roger Corman • Women in Cages • Member Bonus

Women in Cages • Member Bonus

“We all have our devils, my dear.”

Roger Corman’s Exploitation Era in the Philippines
In the early 1970s, Roger Corman discovered he could stretch his production dollars further by filming in the Philippines. He partnered with established Filipino director Gerardo de Leon, known for his award-winning films and work in the Filipino film industry since 1938. Despite de Leon’s prestigious background, Corman convinced him to direct Women in Cages, though de Leon would later distance himself from exploitation films. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our member bonus Roger Corman series with a conversation about Women in Cages.
Breaking Free from Prison Film Conventions
Pete and Andy engage in a spirited debate about the merits of Women in Cages, with Andy finding more depth than expected while Pete struggles with its exploitation elements. The film follows Jeff, a naive American woman framed by her drug-dealing boyfriend and imprisoned in a corrupt facility run by a sadistic guard played by Pam Grier. Through their discussion, they explore how the film attempts to balance serious themes with exploitation requirements.
Deeper Themes Behind Prison Bars
  • Strong performance by Pam Grier as Alabama, the complex and ruthless prison guard
  • Examination of power dynamics and corruption within the prison system, though Pete questions if these themes truly land
  • Controversial portrayal of violence and nudity that divides our hosts
  • Noteworthy ending that leaves a lasting impact about women trapped in cycles of abuse
  • Discussion of de Leon’s reluctant participation in exploitation cinema
  • Analysis of how the film handles themes of sexual exploitation and systemic corruption
  • Classic Corman cost-cutting: Film set in a Spanish-speaking country but shot in the Philippines
While Pete finds the film’s exploitation elements overwhelming, distracting, and worst of all—boring, Andy appreciates its attempts to tackle deeper themes about women trapped in various forms of imprisonment. Whether viewing it as pure exploitation or something more substantial, Women in Cages represents an interesting chapter in Corman’s production history and de Leon’s career. We have a great time talking about it, so check it out then tune in. The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!
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