We love doing our Listener’s Choice episodes — it’s a great way for our listeners to get us to finally talk about movies about which conversations are long overdue. Cameron Ryan, our 2014 Pony Prize winner, got to pick the movie this time, and ended up picking the fantastic black comedy “Delicatessen,” a movie that we both love but for whatever reason just hadn’t gotten around to discussing yet. So now finally, join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we enjoy another Listener’s Choice episode with one of our faves, the Jean-Pierre Jeunet & Marc Caro 1991 film “Delicatessen.” We talk with Cameron about why she chose this film and what it means to her, as well as the joy of winning the Pony Prize. We discuss the look of the movie — Jeunet and Caro each come from graphical backgrounds and, when paired with Darius Khondji’s beautiful cinematography, as well as the amazing production and costume design, created an unforgettable post-apocalyptic world. We chat about the indelible performances, starting with Dominique Pinon, a perfect choice for someone who was a former circus performer. And we talk about the nature of the story, a very upside down world with hell on earth and underground saviors. It’s a marvelous film that deserves to be talked about, so tune in!