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The Story Behind Big Lots’ $50 Million Gift to Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Today on Cause Talk Radio, Megan and Joe talk to Jeremy Ball, who leads the Big Lots Foundation and is director of philanthropy and events for the parent company Big Lots, about the retailers impressive cause marketing efforts on behalf of Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

Last fall, Big Lots mobilized its nearly 1,500 stores and raised $2.2 million! But this was just the tip of the iceberg.

In August, the Foundation announced a $50 million transformational gift to Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Big Lots will support Nationwide Children’s new behavioral health expansion, including the construction of a treatment and research center on the hospital’s main campus.

On the show, Megan, Jeremy, and Joe discuss:

  • How Big Lots got involved with Nationwide Children’s Hospital and their decision to fund children’s mental health in a big way!
  • How Big Lots support for Nationwide Children’s went from a few pallets of food to a $50 million donation.
  • Why it was important for Big Lots to include its customers and employees in its fundraising efforts.
  • Big Lots’ goal to hit $3 million this year and how they plan to reach it.
  • How Big Lots overcomes the #1 obstacle that retailers face with register fundraisers.
  • How Big Lots engages employees in other parts of the country to support a children’s hospital in Ohio.
  • What Big Lots learned from last year’s program and what changes they made for this year. Training is key, as is goal-setting.
  • How Big Lots used incentives to motivate and reward employees.

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