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Project 7’s Tyler Merrick Shares Cause Product Success Strategies

An abundance of small, cause-branded products flood the market each year, most of which you’ll never see again because they lack a solid business strategy. On this episode of Cause Talk Radio, Project 7’s Tyler Merrick talks about how their lifestyle giving brands have earned a place on the shelves of WalMart, Target and 7-Eleven. Hint: it took a LOT of sweat equity and persistence. Join Megan and Joe for this inspiring conversation, particularly if you are, or dream of being, a cause-focused entrepreneur.

Your resource for all things corporate social impact, CSR, and brand purpose.

Join Alli Murphy as she interviews top corporate leaders, nonprofit pros, and people who help them advance their careers and organizations. You’ll be inspired by the strategies change-makers follow to build win-win partnerships and campaigns and their actionable advice for advancing your career and developing your social impact team. Subscribe now to learn from the best and get ideas you can implement today!

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