Release Year Archive


For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of  TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release year. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.

Trailer Rewind

Vox Lux

Steve and JJ are really split on this one. JJ was disappointed that this was more of a poem than a film and wasn’t happy about the execution of this film. Steve, on the other hand, gives it praise for its ambitiousness and the opening sequence before the titles.

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Trailer Rewind

Wild Rose

Neither Steve nor JJ is are fans of Country music. Did that stop them from enjoying Wild Rose? Listen to the latest episode of Trailer Rewind to find out.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast


Ron Stallworth’s story seems ridiculous and unbelievable, but it’s true – as an African American undercover cop with the Colorado Springs Police Department, Ron infiltrated the local KKK group with one of his fellow detectives and managed to bring them down. It’s the sort of story that Spike Lee seems perfect for, so who better to direct it than Lee himself?

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Trailer Rewind


JJ and Steve find themselves among another group of exiles in space. Based on a book-length science fiction poem written by Swedish Nobel laureate Harry Martinson in 1956, Aniara explores the impact isolation, anxiety, and despair can have on a society. Within the first 10 minutes of this episode you will know if this film is for you or not.

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Trailer Rewind

High Life

In the first episode of our Exiles In Space double feature Steve and JJ discuss Claire Denis’ first English language film, “High Life”. They agree that its artfully made. They agree that it has sci-fi elements. They even agree that it is not an enjoyable or comfortable viewing experience. What they can’t tell you is what this film is going to mean to you.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Life of the Party

Where does this land in the Ben Falcone/Melissa McCarthy lineup of films they’ve made together? Should this be more than just a guilty pleasure? Is it okay to rank this higher than obviously better films like “Autumn Sonata”? Tune in to this week’s show to get these answers and more!

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Trailer Rewind

All About Nina

There are films that come and go without notice that are better than the majority of films currently playing at your local cineplex. A film like All About Nina is the reason we have Trailer Rewind.

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Trailer Rewind

Leave No Trace

A film with a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes is a rarity. A PG-rated film that is not a kid’s movie is also a rarity. Leave No Trace managed to check both these boxes. This month’s Trailer Rewind delves into this movie about family to discover how it mana

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Trailer Rewind


How does a film that is positioned for Oscar nominations fall off the radar so quickly? Is this a transformative performance from Nicole Kidman? Why can’t Sebastian Stan stay away from girls that are going to be trouble? We only do 1 show a month so why a hiatus? We might answer these questions on this month’s Trailer Rewind.

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