John Krasinski initially didn’t seem that excited to make a follow-up film to his previous film A Quiet Place. Clearly, since we’re talking about A Quiet Place Part II in our member bonus episode this month, they finally convinced him to write and direct it. But how well does it work? Does it fall into the sequel trap and just give us more of the same? Or is Krasinski and his team really working to step up their game and expand on the story? Andy Nelson’s here to host again, joined this week by Jordan Petersen and Steve Sarmento to talk about the film, what worked for them, and what didn’t. We talk about a lot more and we’d love you to hear it — and all the other bonus episodes we record for the Film Board! Just become a supporting member at the Two-Reeler level and get your very own podcast feed with all these special episodes in it! Thank you!