Meet Your Host

Nikki Kinzer

Nikki Kinzer has dedicated her career to fostering improved living systems, transitioning from retail management and human resources to professional organizing, where she discovered her vocation in aiding individuals with ADHD. She refocused her business in 2010 to cater to adults and college students with ADHD, becoming a certified coach with the ADD Coach Academy and the International Coaching Federation. Kinzer’s current venture, Take Control ADHD, offers coaching, online trainings, and fosters a global community for those seeking to understand and manage their ADHD. She also co-hosts the successful “Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast,” which since its inception in 2010, has amassed over 500 episodes, millions of downloads, and a vibrant Discord community for listener engagement.

The Pre- & Post-Diagnosis Journey with ADD Crusher Alan Brown

Let’s say it right out loud: you need to hear the story of our guest today. Alan Brown is the force behind ADD Crusher™ and Crusher™TV, helping people around the world in their journey with ADHD through his proven Brain Hack strategies and inspirational interviews. But his personal journey to understanding ADHD is a moving story and a model for coming to terms with pre-diagnosis, and making the transition to a new world post-diagnosis in our conversation today.

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Imposter Syndrome & ADHD

If you suffer from Imposter Syndrome, you’re a high achiever in some area, though you feel as if your achievements are not the result of training, skill, and intelligence, rather your success is the result of an accident of fate, and you are constantly on the cusp of being discovered as a fraud. This is, of course, something that we all live with at some point or another, but if you’re also living with ADHD, the judgment that you put upon yourself amplifies the negative signals in and around your experience of achievement.

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We’ve all been there, stuck between the rock that is our own responsibilities, and the hard place of the world that goes on when we’re not there to experience it. The grass is always greener, we say, and we find ourselves living in FoMO: the Fear of Missing Out.

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Explore Creative Tools to Beat ADHD Stress

If you browse the ADHD circles on social media, it won’t take long to find an inspirational meme describing how one of the many superpowers of those with ADHD is that they are generally more creative than those without. The problem is, according to resear

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Impulsivity & ADHD

Impulsivity is a part of the ADHD experience that offers few upsides. It represents the source of distraction, social disruption, and lack of focus that can plague so many of us. We received an email this week from a listener working through email impulsivity at work and his story — and we hope our conversation around it — proves supportive for anyone listening who is living with impulsive behavior challenges.

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3 Mistakes to Avoid with Getting Things Done with ADHD

It starts with a goal, an objective that you’d like to accomplish something over a specific period of time. It ends with the goal accomplished. Somewhere in between, you’re going to have to build the system that will help you get it all done. This week on the show, we’re sharing three big mistakes that can prevent you from meeting your goals, plus some terrific feedback in praise of the Bullet Journal, along with some great guidance on thinking in terms of long-term behavior rather than finish lines when targeting change in your life!

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What You May Not Know About Habits and ADHD

We’ve got a couple of terrific listener recommendations for habit tracking apps to kick us off this week, with emails that inspired a habit follow-up conversation that centers on this big question: do you understand the factors that are causing you to fail to build new habits in your life? This week, we’re talking about the words in your head, persistence, and support, three things critical to your success in integrating new behaviors into your life every day.

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Back to School: What’s the parent’s REAL job?

Unbelievably, it’s back to school season. If it hasn’t hit your community yet, it’s coming, and that means it’s time to evaluate your strategies as a parent in helping your kids manage their ADHD in the classroom and beyond. To help us through this conversation, special guest Elaine Taylor-Klaus with ImpactADHD joins us to share strategies for approaching your kids in this transition period about scheduling, responsibility, self-advocacy, and technology!

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