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Marvel Movie Minute Season Five • Captain America: The First Avenger • Minute 120

CATFA 120: I Did Not Expect This Level of Name Scrutiny on This Show

Minute One Hundred Twenty: From a Quartet of Chargehand Painters to a Septet of Comp Sequence Supervisors

Joining us, it’s Tommy Metz III, director of 30 Nights of Sex to Save Your Marriage.

In the one hundred twentieth minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger

So many names! We talk through some but also play a few games regarding MCU Phase One worldwide box office grosses and budgets. Plus, more nicknames to guess. Tune in!

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Film Sundries


Andy Nelson and Pete Wright reach the first team-up movie in the MCU: Marvel’s The Avengers, and they’re taking it apart one blue-beamed minute at a time.
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