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Movies We LIke • Rachel Lewis • Working Girl

Writer/Producer Rachel Lewis on Working Girl

Talking About Working Girl with our guest, writer/producer Rachel Lewis

Mike Nichols’ film has been in all of our lives for decades now, and there are reasons it stands out as a classic. It’s a Cinderella story dealing with the sexism in the 80s workplace, and how one woman proves she has the stuff to break out of the secretary role in which she’d been stuck. It’s full of laughs, but also full of heart. And lest we forget the magnificent big 80s hair. It’s a sight to behold.

Sure, the movie has some dated elements that don’t work quite as well, but that’s looking through today’s eyes. For its place in the late 80s, it works perfectly and delivers a solid film. Writer/producer Rachel Lewis is a big fan, and we have a great conversation with her about the movie. We chat through the cast and the themes. And then there’s Carly Simon’s fantastic and anthemic song that’s as inspiring as the movie is itself.

Rachel tells us about her career and how she got started in the world of improv comedy before moving to LA and working her way into pitch meetings. As a writer, WGA team captain, and lot coordinator for the current strike, she also breaks down some of the reasons for it and what the writers are collectively working toward.

It’s a fantastic conversation about a great movie and the importance of this current strike. Check it out!

Film Sundries

The Next Reel’s Family of Film Podcasts

Welcome to Movies We Like

In each episode, co-hosts Andy Nelson and Pete Wright invite someone from inside the film industry to discuss their favorite films. What makes a movie inspirational to a cinematographer or a costume designer? Listen in to hear how these pros watch their favorite films.

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