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Matthew Carroll

Superhero Ethics episode 278
Superhero Ethics

Echo & the MCU

Matthew Carroll of the MCUCast joins me to talk Echo – characters, morality, representation, and the implications for upcoming MCU stories.

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She-Hulk & Uncle Ben

In this episode, we delve into the philosophical ponderings of Uncle Ben and how they might apply to She-Hulk, who seems reluctant to embrace heroism. Would she validate or challenge Uncle Ben’s iconic belief in the correlation between great power and great responsibility? We revisit an engaging conversation from the MCUCast hosted by Matthew Carroll, reflecting on this enduring question.

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The Boys • S3 E1

Join us as we discuss the explosive first episode of The Boys Season 3, featuring insights from Matthew Carroll and Ashley Coffin. For an in-depth analysis of each episode in Season 3, be sure to tune into the PandaVision podcast.

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Path to Kenobi Part 4

24 hours until Obi-Wan Kenobi—have we succeeded in getting Matt Carroll to discover nuance in Star Wars? Tune in to our latest episode on the Path to

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Four: Thor • Minute 50: How much do Loki and Sif hate each other? Is it just because Loki won't change Odin's last command?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 050: How Much Do Loki and Sif Hate Each Other?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Loki tells the Warriors Three and Sif that he can’t undo Odin’s last command banishing Thor. Volstagg asks him to reconsider but Loki refuses. He and Sif share a look. And Erik goes to the library! Matt Carroll from the MCUCast joins us on the show all week!

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Four: Thor • Minute 49: How great does Loki look on the throne?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 049: How Great Does Loki Look on the Throne?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Fandral, Sif, Hogun, and Volstagg find Loki on the throne as the new king of Asgard, now that Odin has fallen into the Odinsleep. Sif asks King Loki to reconsider Thor’s banishment. Matt Carroll from the MCUCast joins us on the show all week!

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Four: Thor • Minute 48: So Erik knows Bruce Banner and Hank Pym?
Marvel Movie Minute

Thor 048: So Erik Knows Bruce Banner and Hank Pym?

In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Jane says they even took her backups. Darcy complains that they took her iPod. Erik reveals his connections to both Bruce Banner and Hank Pym. And on Asgard, the Warriors Three head to the throne room to speak with the Allfather only to find a new shadowy figure on the throne. Matt Carroll from the MCUCast joins us on the show all week!

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